Poured Concrete Curb & Gutter
Restored Concrete Driveways
Backfilled behind new curb & gutter
Excavated for asphalt driveway restorations
Install first layer of asphalt for driveway
Work Anticipated This Week:
No work Labor Day Weekend.
Fine grading of aggregate base course
Remove and replace poor base materials.
Pave first 2 layers of asphalt pavement.
Continue backfilling behind curbs
Continue HMA driveway restorations.
Thank you again for all your patience and understanding
while access to your driveways is restricted. We understand what a significant
inconvenience this causes to your daily lives and are doing everything possible
to get the work completed in a timely manner. Depending on work progress and
weather conditions, all driveway access should be restored by the end of next
Thanks again for all your patience and understanding.
Have a safe and enjoyable Labor Day Weekend.