Monday, October 19, 2015

Project Completed

All on-site work along Heatherfield Lane and within the easement along Rio Vista is now completed.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the residents that lived within those roadways and the surrounding area for your patience and understanding for the past several months when you have lived through the construction project. We understand what significant inconveniences are caused when you live around these construction projects and do everything possible to make the projects go as smoothly as possible. Our hope is that you are satisfied with the end result of the project.

In the next few weeks, the Village will be sending out a resident survey regarding the project. Please take the time to fill out this survey, the Village uses these comments to make improvements for other project moving forward throughout the Village.

This will also be the last blog update for the project. We hope you found the posts informative and useful.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Rio Vista Storm Sewer Completed

Work Completed Last Week:
·         General site clean-up.
·         Internal lining of existing sanitary sewer along Beech Drive

Rio Vista Storm Sewer
·         Completed storm sewer installation
·         Asphalt driveway restoration.

Work Anticipated This Week:
·         No work scheduled on-site.

Rio Vista Storm Sewer
·         Landscape restoration.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Final Asphalt Paving Completed. Rio Vista Storm Sewer On-Going.

Work Completed Last Week:
·         Final layer of asphalt pavement
·         Internal lining of existing sanitary sewers
·         Final walk-through to note any repairs needed along project site
·         General site clean-up.
Rio Vista Storm Sewer
·         Installed new storm sewer from river to Rio Vista Road
·         Directional drilled storm sewer under existing tree
·         Connected existing sump pump connections to new storm sewer 

Work Anticipated This Week:
·         General site clean-up
·         Internal lining of sanitary sewers along Beech Drive
Rio Vista Storm Sewer
·         Remove and preparatory work for asphalt driveway replacement
·         Landscape restoration.

The project is nearly completed now that the final asphalt surface has been installed. Thank you again for all your patience and understanding has you have lived in a construction area over the past few months. Hopefully you are satisfied with the end project.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Sod Restoration Completed. Sewer Lining and Final Paving Scheduled for This Week.

Work Completed Last Week:
·         Fine grading of landscaped areas
·         Topsoil installation
·         Sod installation
·         General site clean-up 

Work Anticipated This Week:
·         Continue with general site clean-up
·         Internal lining of existing sanitary sewers
·         Perform final walk-through to create a list of items to be remedied.
·         Paving final lift of asphalt pavement.

Thank you again for your patience and understanding has you have been living in a construction zone for the past several months. Now that the curb & gutter, asphalt pavement, and sod installation is completed, the project is nearing completion. We hope that you are happy with the end result.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Work Completed Last Week:

·         Adjust manholes in new pavement.

·         Begin parkway restoration and topsoil installation.

·         Complete minor clean up and work to new manholes and water system.

Work Anticipated This Week:

·         Begin parkway restoration and topsoil installation.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Work Completed Last Week:

·         Fine grading of aggregate base course.
·         Remove and replace poor base materials.
·         Pave first layer of asphalt pavement.
·         Continue backfilling behind curbs.
·         Continue asphalt driveway restoration.


Work Anticipated This Week:

·         Complete asphalt driveway restoration.
·         Adjust manholes in the new pavement.
·         Begin parkway restoration and topsoil installation.

Thank you all for your patience during this portion of construction which has restricted your driveway access.  Driveway access is no longer permanently restricted, however there may be some minor restrictions (10-20 minutes) during remaining work.

Monday, September 7, 2015

First 2 Layers of Asphalt Pavement Scheduled This Week

Work Completed Last Week:
·         Poured Concrete Curb & Gutter
·         Restored Concrete Driveways
·         Backfilled behind new curb & gutter
·         Excavated for asphalt driveway restorations
·         Install first layer of asphalt for driveway restorations. 

Work Anticipated This Week:
·         No work Labor Day Weekend.
·         Fine grading of aggregate base course
·         Remove and replace poor base materials.
·         Pave first 2 layers of asphalt pavement.
·         Continue backfilling behind curbs
·         Continue HMA driveway restorations.

Thank you again for all your patience and understanding while access to your driveways is restricted. We understand what a significant inconvenience this causes to your daily lives and are doing everything possible to get the work completed in a timely manner. Depending on work progress and weather conditions, all driveway access should be restored by the end of next week.

Thanks again for all your patience and understanding.

Have a safe and enjoyable Labor Day Weekend.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Concrete Curb & Gutter This Week

Work Completed Last Week:
·         Removal and replacement of storm manhole at Ferndale and Sherwood.
·         Roadway excavation and grading
·         Excavation and installation of aggregate base for concrete curb & gutter 

Work Anticipated This Week:
·         Monday – Install string line in preparation for concrete curb & gutter
·         Tuesday – Grading and necessary adjustments in preparation for concrete curb & gutter
·         Wednesday – Pour concrete curb & gutter
·         Thursday – Complete pouring concrete curb & gutter, grading behind curb & gutter, and grading for driveway restoration.
·         Friday – Continue with grading behind curb & gutter, grading for driveway restoration, and possibly begin asphalt and concrete driveway restoration (depending on work progress). 

The next 10 days or so will have the greatest inconvenience regarding driveway access. Please have all vehicles removed from your driveways and garages by 7:00 AM on Monday, August 31st. We anticipate driveway access will be stored by Wednesday September 9th depending on work progress and weather conditions. This will allow the concrete ample time to cure as well grading of the existing roadway and paving the first 2 layers of asphalt pavement prior to driveway access being restored.

We understand the inconvenience that is caused due to driveway access being restricted, especially over the Labor Day weekend. We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as this phase of construction takes place.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Underground Utility Work Completed. Roadway Reconstruction Beginning

Work Completed Last Week:
·         Completed storm sewer catch basin and inlet installations
·         Completed storm sewer service installations
·         Removed and abandoned existing water main facilities
·         Removed and abandoned existing storm sewer piping and structures.
·         Removed existing concrete curb & gutter
·         Removed existing driveways
·         Layout / staking for roadway improvements
·         All underground utility construction is completed.

Work Anticipated This Week:
·         Removal and replacement of storm sewer manhole at Ferndale and Sherwood
·         Roadway excavation and aggregate base course installation along Heatherfield Lane.

This week the roadway excavation will begin along Heatherfield Lane. During this process, access to your driveways may be restricted during working hours, but will be restored each evening. The contractor will knock on your door to have you move any vehicles out of your driveway or garage prior to restricting your access.

The week of August 31st will have the greatest inconvenience regarding driveway access. Based on the current schedule, starting Monday, August 31st at 7:00 AM through Thursday, September 10th, driveway access will be restricted due to concrete curb & gutter installation and asphalt paving. We understand these driveway restrictions will be in affect over the Labor Day Weekend and everything possible will be done to reduce the amount of time you are out of your driveway. Additional notification, including parking instructions, will be provided in the near future.

The Village has also been in contact with the school district regarding parking regulations, parking needs, and traffic flow due to the construction operations coinciding with the start of the school year.

Thank you again for all your patience and understanding during these construction operations.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Storm Sewer Nearly Completed. Roadway Improvements to Begin

Work Completed Last Week:
·         Continued with installation of catch basins and inlets
·         Continued with storm sewer service installations.
·         Completed storm sewer main line installation at intersection of Heatherfield and Beech Drive.

Work Anticipated This Week:
·         Complete storm sewer catch basin and inlet installations
·         Complete storm sewer service installations.
·         Removal and abandonment of existing water main facilities and storm sewer piping
·         Removal of existing concrete curb & gutter
·         Removal of existing driveways, all driveways will have aggregate installed after they are removed to restore access
·         Layout/staking for roadway improvements.
·         General site clean-up

The underground utility improvements are nearly completed and should be completed by the middle of this week. Once the underground construction is completed, the project will be transitioning to the roadway improvements phase of construction. The roadway excavation will begin this week with the removal of existing concrete curb & gutter and driveways.

The week of July 24th the roadway excavation will continue with removal of the existing asphalt pavement. We are anticipating the concrete curb & gutter installation will begin the week of August 31st. During this time, residents will not have access to their driveways. The current schedule indicates residents will be without driveway access from August 31st to September 10th to allow for concrete curb & gutter and asphalt paving operations. Residents will be notified regarding exact dates and parking options as the schedule is confirmed.

We understand there are significant inconveniences associated with the roadway reconstruction process and restrictions to driveways. Please be ensure everything possible is being done to limit the amount of time driveway access is restricted. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during these construction operations.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Underground Utility Construction Anticipated to be Completed by End of Week

Work Completed Last Week:
·         Completed storm sewer main line installation along Heatherfield Lane.
·         Continued with installation of catch basins and inlets
·         Continued with storm sewer service installations.

Work Anticipated This Week:
·         Complete storm sewer catch basin and inlet installations
·         Complete storm sewer service installations.

 We anticipate the underground utility construction (storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water main) will be completed near the end of this week. Once the underground utility construction is completed, the project will transition to the roadway reconstruction phase. Residents will continue to be informed as the roadway reconstruction process gets closer and restrictions to driveway access.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Storm Sewer Installation On-Going

Work Completed Last Week:
·         Continued with storm sewer main line installation along Heatherfield Lane.

Work Anticipated This Week:
·         Complete storm sewer main line installation along Hetherfield Lane.
·         Install catch basins and inlets along Hetherfield Lane.
·         Begin storm sewer service installations.

 Thank you again for your patience and understanding during the on-going storm sewer construction.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Water Main and Service Replacement Completed

Work Completed Last Week:
·         Completed water service replacements along Heatherfield Lane.
·         Made connections between existing water main and newly installed water main at:
o   Heatherfield Lane and Sherwood Road
o   Heatherfield Lane and Beech Drive
o   Heatherfield Lane and Ferndale Road
·         Installed storm sewer catch basins and inlets at the intersection of Ferndale Road and Heatherfield Lane.
·         Water main and service replacements are completed.

Work Anticipated This Week:
·         Continue with storm sewer installation along Heatherfield Lane.
·         Begin storm sewer service replacements along Heatherfield Lane.
·         Abandon old fire hydrants and valves.

Now that the water main and service replacements are completed, we do not anticipate any more water main shut downs. Thank you for your patience and understanding during the various water main shut downs over the past few weeks, either scheduled or due to emergency repairs.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Connections Between Existing Water Main and New Water Main Scheduled This Week

Work Completed Last Week:
·         Continued with water service replacements along Heatherfield Lane.

Work Anticipated This Week:
·         Complete water service replacements along Heatherfield Lane.
·         Make connections between existing water main and newly installed water main at:
o   Heatherfield Lane and Sherwood Road
o   Heatherfield Lane and Beech Drive
o   Heatherfield Lane and Ferndale Road
·         Continue with storm sewer installation along Heatherfield Lane.

New water services are being installed from the new water main to the existing b-box within the Village right-of-way. New services will not be installed all the way to your home. During water service installation, water to individual homes will be turned off while the transition is made. Typically the water is turned off for 1-hour. The contractor will knock on the door of each home prior to turning off the water. It is difficult to determine the exact timing of the water shut-off; therefore, 24-hour notice is not given. The contractor will work with you to determine the best time to shut-off the water to the greatest extent possible.

Due to the condition of the existing water main, there have been several water main breaks during the water service replacements. Most of these repairs are being made without needing to turn off the water main; however, in several instances the water main has been required to be turn off to make the needed repairs. We apologize for these inconveniences. We are committed to letting all affected residents know about the emergency shut-downs as quickly as possible and to reduce the amount of time the water main is turned off to the greatest extent possible. We thank you for your understanding.

This week, there will be several scheduled water main shut downs to make the connections between the existing water main and newly installed water main. For this work, residents will be notified 24-hours prior to the water main being turned off.  

Friday, July 10, 2015

Water Service Replacements On-Going

Work Completed Last Week:
·         Storm sewer installation at intersection of Ferndale Road and Heatherfield Lane
·         Storm sewer installation along Heatherfield Lane from Ferndale Road to Beech Drive
·         Water service replacement along Heatherfield Lane starting at Ferndale Road and working north towards Sherwood Road.

Work Anticipated This Week:
·         Water service replacements along Heatherfield Lane continuing to work north towards Sherwood Road.

New water services are being installed from the new water main to the existing b-box within the Village right-of-way. New services will not be installed all the way to your home. During water service installation, water to individual homes will be turned off while the transition is made. Typically the water is turned off for 1-hour. The contractor will knock on the door of each home prior to turning off the water. It is difficult to determine the exact timing of the water shut-off; therefore, 24-hour notice is not given. The contractor will work with you to determine the best time to shut-off the water to the greatest extent possible.

Thank you for all your patience and understanding on Monday while the intersection of Ferndale Road and Heatherfield Lane was closed to accommodate the construction of the large diameter storm sewer in the area. There is additional work to be performed within the intersection, but we are not anticipating it will require the entire intersection to be closed for an extended period of time.

We also appreciate the understanding of those residents that were without water on Monday to accommodate the storm sewer construction at the intersection of Ferndale Road and Heatherfield Lane.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Ferndale & Heatherfield Intersection to be Closed During Working Hours

Work Completed Last Week:
·         Water main improvements at intersection of Ferndale Road and Heatherfield Lane.
·         Completed required testing of newly installed water main along Heatherfield Lane. Water main can now be placed into service.
·         Nicor Gas completed gas main and service replacement between Beech Drive and Fernadale Road. If you have any concerns regarding your gas service, please contact Nicor Gas.
·         General site clean-up

Work Anticipated This Week:
·         Storm sewer installation at the intersection of Ferndale Road and Heatherfield Lane.

 Due to the storm sewer improvements scheduled next week, the intersection of Heatherfield Lane and Ferndale Road will be closed 7/6/15 through 7/10/15 during construction hours only, 7am-5pm – (weather delays could shift closure dates). If weather delays occur, additional notification will be provided. The intersection will be open to traffic before and after construction hours each day.

Thank you in advance for dealing the traffic delays and inconvenience associated with the closure of the Heatherfield Lane and Ferndale Road intersection. Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated.

Have a safe and happy July 4th Holiday.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Water Main Almost Completed. Required Testing Started.

Work Completed Last Week:
·         Water main installation along Heatherfield Lane
·         Begin required testing of newly installed water main.
·         Nicor Gas on-site replacing gas main and services along Heatherfield Lane from Beech Drive to Ferndale Road

Work Anticipated This Week:
·         Perform necessary testing of newly installed water main
·         Water main installation along Heatherfield Lane at Ferndale Road
·         Nicor Gas to complete the gas main and service replacement between Beech Drive and Ferndale Road

Monday, June 22, 2015

Water Main Installation Continues

Work Completed Last Week:
·         Water main installation along Heatherfield Lane
Work Anticipated This Week:
·         Continue with water main installation along Heatherfield Lane.

Thank you to those residents that were affected by the scheduled water main shut down on Tuesday to allow for the new water main to be connected to the existing water main at Ferndale Road and Heatherfield Lane.  

Due to the heavy rain events over the past week, the contractor needed to change plans in the location of water main installation. The contractor was anticipating to work along Heatherfield Lane from Ferndale Road north towards Sherwood Road. Unfortunately, the amount of water entering the trenches made this impossible; therefore the contractor moved to the north side of the project at Sherwood Road and is now working south towards Ferndale Road.

Thanks again for all your patience and understanding as the water main installation continues.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Sanitary Sewer Improvements Completed. Water Main to Begin

Work Completed Last Week:
·         Remaining sanitary sewer improvements. All sanitary work is now completed.
·         Performed needed tree removal.

Work Anticipated This Week:
·         Preparatory work in anticipation for beginning water main installation.
·         Water main installation along Heatherfield starting at Ferndale and working north towards Sherwood

Thank you to those residents that were affected by the scheduled water main shut down in order to complete the final sanitary sewer manhole replacement on Friday.

As the water main replacement begins, there will be instances when the water will need to be shut-down to perform connections between the existing and new systems. These shut-downs typically last between 4 and 6 hours. Residents will be notified 24-hours in advance prior to any scheduled water main shut-down. Currently a water main shut down for the southern half of Heatherfield on Tuesday, June 16th.

Thanks again for all your patience and understanding as the construction continues.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Sanitary Sewer Improvements Continue

Work Completed Last Week:
·         Sanitary sewer services replacements.

Work Anticipated This Week:
·         Continue with sanitary sewer service replacements
·         Sanitary sewer manhole replacements
·         Sanitary sewer main repairs as needed.

As last week was an example of, construction can be extremely unpredictable as seen with a number of water main breaks. The existing water main along the project site is old and brittle, but is being replaced as part of this project.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during these emergency water main shut downs throughout the week. As some of you already know, there have been several water main breaks along Heatherfield in the past week.  These unforeseen emergencies have and will continue to receive our immediate attention.  Repairs typically require the water pressure to be reduced or the water main being shut down.  Unfortunately, when these emergencies occur, we are often unable to give notifications, as the breaks sometimes must be repaired immediately.  When possible, we will give as much notification as possible as to when and how long the water will be shut off.   If you do experience water shut off, please run your tub or faucet for a few minutes when the water is turned back on to help flush out any sediment that may be in the system

Monday, June 1, 2015

Sanitary Sewer Repairs to Begin This Week

Work Completed Last Week:
·         In-place grinding of the roadway
·         Preconstruction televising of sewers
·         Tree trimming
·         Mobilization of equipment and materials.

Work Anticipated This Week:
·         Begin sanitary sewer service replacements

We apologize for the delay in start of construction. It was anticipated the work was going to begin a week early than anticipated, but due to unforeseen circumstances, the work was delayed a week later than anticipated.

Monday, May 18, 2015

In-place Grinding of Asphalt, Mobilization, and Sewer Televising Anticipated this Week.

Work Completed Last Week:
·         Resident Preconstruction meeting on Tuesday, May 12th.

Work Anticipated This Week:
·         In-place grinding of roadway on Monday, May 18th
·         Televising of existing sanitary sewer and storm sewer lines.
·         Mobilization of equipment

The contractor is anticipating to begin underground utility construction on Tuesday, May 26th, following the Memorial Day weekend.  

Friday, May 8, 2015

Resident Informational Meeting Scheduled for May 12th at 6:30 PM

Resident pre-construction informational meeting scheduled for Tuesday, May 12th at 6:30 to be held at the Village of Glenview, Police Department Community Room, 2500 East Lake Avenue.

We look forward to meeting with you and discussing the project.