Friday, June 5, 2015

Sanitary Sewer Improvements Continue

Work Completed Last Week:
·         Sanitary sewer services replacements.

Work Anticipated This Week:
·         Continue with sanitary sewer service replacements
·         Sanitary sewer manhole replacements
·         Sanitary sewer main repairs as needed.

As last week was an example of, construction can be extremely unpredictable as seen with a number of water main breaks. The existing water main along the project site is old and brittle, but is being replaced as part of this project.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during these emergency water main shut downs throughout the week. As some of you already know, there have been several water main breaks along Heatherfield in the past week.  These unforeseen emergencies have and will continue to receive our immediate attention.  Repairs typically require the water pressure to be reduced or the water main being shut down.  Unfortunately, when these emergencies occur, we are often unable to give notifications, as the breaks sometimes must be repaired immediately.  When possible, we will give as much notification as possible as to when and how long the water will be shut off.   If you do experience water shut off, please run your tub or faucet for a few minutes when the water is turned back on to help flush out any sediment that may be in the system